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With Hilo, we’re aiming high and far ahead

Our key projects

We’re facing significant energy challenges in Québec. And the fight against climate change starts close to home by modifying our energy consumption habits. At Hilo, we believe in the future. Starting now. That’s why we’ve launched a series of key projects that target new ways to consume, produce and manage our energy.

Our key projects

We’re facing significant energy challenges in Québec. And the fight against climate change starts close to home by modifying our energy consumption habits. At Hilo, we believe in the future. Starting now. That’s why we’ve launched a series of key projects that target new ways to consume, produce and manage our energy.

Say hello to Hilo | Energy gets smart

The Hilo smart home

Let’s consume smarter and waste less energy.


Test phase for our smart home service

Our 1,000 testers helped create a smart home service tailored to the needs of Quebecers before the launch of Hilo in the fall of 2020.

The official launch of our smart home service

solution Hilo pour véhicules électriques

Electric mobility offering

solution Hilo d'autoproduction solaire
To come

Solar energy self-production solutions