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How to pair the electric water heater controller with the Hilo hub?

To pair the water heater controller, please read the entire procedure before beginning.

Figure 1 - Water heater load controller - User interface

  • LED indicator lights display the controller status


  1. Open the Hilo application, go to the devices page.
  2. Tap the + in the upper-right-hand corner.
  3. Tap Add a device.
  4. Tap Water heater.
  5. Tap on I don’t have a Data Matrix code.
  6. Tap on Continue, then press and hold the device button for approximately 3 seconds (see figure 1). The center indicator light will turn from yellow to flashing blue.
  7. Tap on Continue.
  8. The new device search will last up to 45 seconds.
  9. When detected, the controller’s center indicator light will turn solid green.
  10. In the app, tap on Close when you see The device(s) have been added! The devices page will be displayed again, and the water heater tile will be added.
  11. Switch off the controller from the app. The charge indicator light will turn off.
  12. Turn the controller back on by pressing the button. The charge indicator light will turn red and the tile’s status in the app will reflect the action a few seconds later.
  13. If you want to rename the controller tile in the app, consult an article on our web site by clicking here.