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What are the eligibility criteria for the Hilo smart hot water heater solution?

Hilo’s smart hot water heater solution can be installed on any electric water heater that meets the following criteria:

  • Installed within the past 7 years.
  • Accessible (it’s crucial to ensure you have enough clear space around the water heater before installing the Hilo solution).
  • Correctly installed in compliance with electrical standards.
  • Ideally, located on the same floor as (or at most, one floor away from) the Hilo hub so that commands can be sent to the charge controller. 

Please note that a water heater located in a crawl space where the ceiling is too low (less than six feet) or that’s inaccessible from the ground level may not qualify. If this proves to be the case, installation of the Hilo smart water heater solution will not take place during the electrician’s visit.